Hello 2020

Happy New Year! It’s so exciting that we’re now in the twenties, not only a new year but a new decade. Every year I like…


Happy New Year! It’s so exciting that we’re now in the twenties, not only a new year but a new decade. Every year I like to write goals posts for the year to come, to look back on once the year comes to a close so I can reflect on what I have achieved. This year I don’t have lots of goals to share, I have decided to be semi-realistic. They’re nothing life-changing, but I would love to read this in December and see if I have actually managed.

Read more books

Not only do I love reading for fun and wish I made more time to do so, I have a huge pile of books that really need reading. I got six books for Christmas, and on top of the other selection I have bought over the past year or so and not yet read, I have plenty to be getting on with. My goal is twelve books which averages at one a month – this is quite a big leap from the five I read last year so maybe I am being a bit ambitious!

Put more time into the blog

When I got some goodies from Pixi a couple of weeks ago it reminded me how far I had come with blogging, but how much I want to keep up with it too. I really want to give it a greater focus this year as it did have to take the backseat last year with all the craziness of A Levels and starting uni going on. Now that I am a bit more settled, I should have time to get more into it. I am committed to posting on Instagram more often and working out using Pinterest alongside my blog so hopefully I’ll see some results.

Keep up my French knowledge

Studying French at A Level was difficult, but I came so far with my knowledge of the French language and I can already feel it slipping away. A goal of mine is to try and keep it up somehow, maybe by reading a couple of articles a week, or doing a grammar exercise every so often, so I don’t lose it all. It was a lot of work to quickly forget it all!

Unlike last year, in 2020 I don’t have too many goals because I really wanted to make a few that are manageable-ish instead of getting overwhelmed. I would love to hear your goals for this year in the comments!

EG x